LoKerNesia - Bursa Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Terbaru |
- Pasca Lebaran, 68 K/L Bakal Buka Lowongan CPNS
- Kemenkeu Buka Penerimaan CPNS, Siap-siap Daftar Yuk..
- Siap-siap! Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Dimajukan, Ini Jadwalnya
- Lowongan Kerja PT Yakult Indonesia Persada Juli 2013
- Lowongan Kerja PT Supraco Indonesia Juli 2013
- Lowongan Kerja Tripatra Juli 2013
- Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Juli 2013
- Lowongan kerja G4S Security Services (Security Coordinator - Timika) Juli 2013
- Lowongan kerja PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika (Petugas Loket Stasiun KAI) Juli 2013
- Lowongan kerja PT Indigo Global Asia (Sales Promotion Staff - Jakarta Raya, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang and Yogyakarta)
- Lowongan kerja PT Leitz Tooling Indonesia (Sales Engineer - Jakarta Raya - Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur) Juli 2013
- Lowongan kerja PT. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Life (Financial Consultant - Malang) Juli 2013
- Lowongan kerja PT. Lippo Malls Indonesia (Leasing Officer - Palembang) Juli 2013
Pasca Lebaran, 68 K/L Bakal Buka Lowongan CPNS Posted: 17 Jul 2013 11:03 PM PDT Herdaru Purnomo - detikfinance Jakarta - Sebanyak 295 instansi pemerintah bakal menggelar seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) dari jalur pelamar umum. Hal ini merupakan kabar gembira bagi para masyarakat yang bercita-cita jadi PNS. Pengumuman lowongan dijadwalkan akan dilakukan sehabis lebaran, atau sekitar minggu ketiga-keempat bulan Agustus 2013, yang dilanjutkan dengan pendaftaran. Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (MenPAN) Azwar Abubakar mengatakan, untuk seleksi CPNS pelamar umum ini direncanakan menggunakan sistemcomputer assisted computer (CAT), yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). "Pelaksanaan tes akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai November," ujar Azwar seperti dikutip detikFinance, Kamis (18/7/2013). Azwar menambahkan, dari 295 instansi yang akan menggelar seleksi CPNS dimaksud, terdiri dari 68 kementerian/lembaga, 30 pemerintah provinsi, serta 197 kabupaten/kota. Kepala BKN Eko Soetrisno ikut mengungkapkan, saat ini di kantor pusat BKN tersedia 2 CAT station dengnan kapasitas 140 komputer. Sedangkan di daerah tersedia 600 komputer yang tersebar di 12 kantor regional (kanreg), masing-masing 50 komputer. Keduabelas Kanreg dimaksud adalah Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Makassar, Jakarta, Medan, Palembang, Banjarmasin, Denpasar, Manado, Pekanbaru, dan Jayapura (dalam proses). "CAT memang tidak didesain untuk pelaksanaan tes secara massal dan masif," ujar Eko menambahkan. Sebagai contoh, instansi yang memiliki 100 unit personal computer (PC), dapat melaksanakan tes dengan sistem CAT bagi 500 orang setiap hari (5 sesi) atau 3.000 peserta dalam seminggu (6 hari kerja). |
Kemenkeu Buka Penerimaan CPNS, Siap-siap Daftar Yuk.. Posted: 17 Jul 2013 11:02 PM PDT Jakarta - Pemerintah bakal melakukan seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) September 2013 nanti. Salah satu Kementerian yang siap menyaring adalah Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu). Dikutip detikFinance dari artikel Sekretariat Kabinet, Rabu (17/7/2013), para peminat harus memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk menjadi CPNS. Syarat tersebut antara lain :
Hingga saat ini, Kemenkeu belum mengumumkan secara resmi rencana penerimaan CPNS itu karena menurut informasi, hal itu baru akan diumumkan pada pertengahan bulan ini melalui situs resminya www.depkeu.go.id. Sementara itu Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) tidak akan menyaring CPNS baru. Kemenag akan fokus menyelesaikan tenaga honorer K1 (gaji dan penghasilan dibayar melalui APBN/APBD) dan K2 (gaji dan penghasilan tidak dibayar melalui APBN/APBD), dan tidak merekrut Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) pada penerimaan tahun 2013 ini. Pendataan tenaga honorer K2 dilakukan mulai September sampai 31 Desember 2010. Data yang terkumpul di lingkungan Kementerian Agama sebanyak 60.276 orang yang terdiri dari guru, penyuluh, penghulu, dosen, dan tenaga teknis lainnya. Hasil pendataan tenaga honorer K2 tersebut telah disampaikan kepada BKN dan Kementerian PAN – RB. |
Siap-siap! Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS Dimajukan, Ini Jadwalnya Posted: 17 Jul 2013 11:00 PM PDT Herdaru Purnomo - detikfinance Jakarta - Pemerintah akhirnya memajukan seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) tahun 2013 jalur pelamar umum dari Oktober 2013 menjadi September 2013. Tetapi sayangnya, seleksi ini tidak dilakukan serentak. Pelamar akan dites bergantian di hari yang berbeda. Demikian disampaikan Asisten Deputi Perencanaan SDM Aparatur Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kementerian PAN) Arizal seperti tertuang dalam situs resmi Sekretariat Kabinet RI, Senin (15/7/2013). Ia mengatakan, dimajukannya jadwal pelaksanaan seleksi CPNS untuk umum itu dimungkinkan setelah Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) menyelesaikan program Computer Assisted Test (CAT) di seluruh kantor regionalnya. "Tes CPNS dari pelamar umum Insya Allah dilakukan September. Sebelumnya memang Oktober, tapi karena menggunakan CAT dimajukan," kata Arizal. Untuk keperluan ini, jelas Arizal, KemenPAN akan memanggil seluruh Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) dan kepala Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) ke Jakarta pada 18 Juli mendatang. Adapun pelaksanaan tes CPNS dari honorer kategori dua (K2) atau yang pendapatannya tidak diperoleh melalui APBN/APBD, menurut Arizal, tetap dilaksanakan Agustus tahun ini. "Tes honorer K2-nya yang kita dahulukan baru pelamar umum," terangnya. Menurut Arizal, pelaksanaan tes CPNS 2012 akan menjadi model untuk rekrutmen pegawai baru di seluruh instansi. Kebijakan nasional ini dipilih setelah Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) menyetujui seleksi CPNS 2013 menggunakan model tahun lalu. Adapun materi tes terdiri atas Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD), yang kisi-kisinya terdiri dari tes wawasan kebangsaan (TWK), tes intelegensi umum (TIU), dan tes karakteristik pribadi (TKP). Sedangkan kisi-kisi materi tes kompetensi bidang, disusun dan ditetapkan masing-masing instansi pembina jabatan fungsional. "Materi soal yang ada di sistem CAT merupakan hasil kerja Konsorsium Perguruan Tinggi ditambah tim ahli. Soalnya tidak sedikit tapi ada ribuan. Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) juga sudah memiliki bank data yang memuat puluhan ribu soal," terang Arizal sembari menyebutkan, dengan bank soal itu setiap peserta tidak akan mendapatkan soal yang sama. Namun, peserta mendapatkan tingkat kesulitan soal yang sama. "Soalnya beda tapi tingkat kesulitannya sama. Jadi setiap peserta diberi soal yang mudah, sedang, sukar," tandasnya. Arizal juga menjelaskan, mengingat keterbatasan sistem CAT, pelaksanaan tes CPNS untuk umum kali ini akan dilakukan per regional. Sedangkan untuk pusat, dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok kementerian/lembaga. "Untuk pusat, dalam sehari yang bisa ikut tes sistem CAT ada 700 orang. Sedangkan daerah hanya 150 orang per hari. Itu sebabnya, jika instansi pusat A dan B total jumlah pelamarnya 800, bisa dites di hari yang sama. Tapi kalau lebih, dites dua hari," bebernya. Ditambahkannya, satu komputer hanya bisa menguji lima orang per harinya. Bila dipaksakan lebih dari itu, sistemnya tidak akan jalan. "Namanya komputer, pasti ada keterbatasannya kan," kilah Arizal. Lantaran tesnya dilakukan bertahap, Arizal memperkirakan jadwal pengujian tes kompetensi dasar (TKD) akan berlangsung dua bulan. Itupun setiap hari harus ada tes (pusat 700 orang, daerah 150 orang). Mereka semua pakai CAT sehingga hasil tes kompetensi dasarnya (TKD) langsung bisa terbaca. "Para peserta juga bisa segera tahu, mereka lulus TKD atau tidak," ujarnya. Keuntungan menggunakan CAT, menurut Arizal akan didapat hasil yang murni, objektif, dan transparan. |
Lowongan Kerja PT Yakult Indonesia Persada Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:35 AM PDT PT Yakult Indonesia Persada membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja yang berkualitas dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut: Propaganda Staff Requirements: • Pria/Wanita • Usia maks. 27 th. • Pendidikan S1 Biologi/Farmasi/Teknologi Pangan dan yang sejenis • Mampu mengoperasikan (MS. OFFICE) • Memiliki SIM A • Pengalaman kerja tidak mutlak Admin IT Requirements: • Wanita • Usia maks. 25 th. • Mampu melakukan pencatatan inventory, penerimaan/pengeluaran barang dan pengarsipan dokumen • Pendidikan D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika/Ilmu Komputer atau yang sejenis • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office) • Pengalaman kerja 1 – 3 th. Receivable Control Staff Requirements: • Wanita, • Usia maks. 23 th • Pendidikan S1 Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi ( Pendidikan D3 Jurusan Akuntansi dengan pengalaman min. 1 th) • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Office) Applicant should submit their applicant letters, CV and recent photograph to: PT Yakult (Head Office) PP PLAZA LT. 7 JL. TB SIMATUPANG NO. 57 PASAR REBO JAKARTA TIMUR FAX 877.82139 Email : recruitment@yakult.co.id Expired : 31 Juli 2013 |
Lowongan Kerja PT Supraco Indonesia Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:34 AM PDT PT Supraco Indonesia saat ini sedang mencari kandidat terbaik untuk mengisi posisi melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 sebagai: 1. Regulatory & Permit Site Interface (CP-A221) RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES: • Onsite representative for all environmental, regulatory and permitting issues • Coordinate ongoing efforts to identify and obtain various permits for scope of work in a timely manner to comply with national, provincial and local (Indonesian) rules and regulations • Interface with the E&R functional group to support project activities and implement best practices and lessons learned • Work and participate with project team and functional group on preparation of project support documents, such as Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Waste Management Plan (WMP), Spill Prevention and Response Plans (SPRP), protection of surface water and other related studies for the project • Support in selecting third party consulting services with respect to Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP) preparation and development in coordination with Functional group and Productions • Interface with project engineering and construction resources on project design and implementation details required to satisfy project permit and environmental requirements • Develop Environmental Standard – e.g. stream crossing, erosion control, etc • Coordinate development and submittal of EMCAPS deliverable for regulatory compliance plan (RCP) and environmental management plan (EMP) for project facilities • Supervise, monitor and review the plan of the implementation environmental protection measure according to RKL and RPL (environmental monitoring and management plan) during construction which is performed by third party environmental consultants • Interface and coordinate activities with E&R functional group, as appropriate, on preparation of permitting plans and government agencies/inspector interface • Review the RKL/RPL report for socioeconomic issue developed by EPC Contractor prior submitting to functional group in Development • Review and endorse EPC contractor environmental and regulatory documents and deliverables, as prescribed in project Coordination Procedure • Prepare project internal environmental and regulatory stewardship reports, as well as external reports required to satisfy Government or external financial institution conditions/requests • Assist project team, as appropriate, on the field inspection, special tasks and studies related to overall SH&E and permitting requirements. • Support the E&R functional group on Regframe implementation and implement regular environmental compliance assessments as part of the OIMS requirements for the project. • Ensure the implementation of the Upstream EMDC Environmental Standard is adhered to appropriately and align with Corporate Environmental guidance • Implement and assist training in environmental standard and technologies to EPC Contractor REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Broad technical and SH&E skills with basic understanding of project management and SH&E functional work processes • 5+ years broad-based experience preferred, in environmental compliance and impact mitigation related to oil and gas industry, processing and transportation, with prior experience in one or more SH&E-related disciplines • process, and in particular SH&E and OIMS deliverable requirements • Knowledge of EMDC strategies and key business drivers • Good interpersonal and communication skills • Knowledge of EMCAPS • Adaptable to changing priorities Placement: Jakarta Base 2. Civil / Structural Inspector – Infrastructure Facilities (CP-A222) RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES: • Oversee inspection of structural activities conducted at contractors and sub-contractors facilities. • Coordinate with other structural. • Review original material certificates for compliance to codes and specifications • Ensure testing, measuring, welding, and NDE equipment is fully calibrated and has current certification • Ensure storage and use of welding consumables is per manufacture's recommendations and full certification • Review Contractor's field inspection and test reports • Verify fabrication fit-up, alignment, and dimensional tolerances • Review welder qualifications certifications, and attend welder qualification • Verify Contractor, Subcontractor Quality management systems, plans, procedures, and processes are in place. • Implement project Construction Surveillance Program REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Working Knowledge of: - Piping and pressure vessel codes and quality standards (E.g. AWS D1.1, CSA B51, ASME Section III, ASME B31.3, and ISO 9001) - Piping fabrication methods - Welding processes and NDE techniques including evaluation methods - Piping, Isometrics and shop Drawings • Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.) • Good oral and written English language skills • Well versed in safe work practices • Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages • Minimum fifteen (15) years experience in inspection of piping systems on major onshore construction projects. • Skills and experience in the development of commissioning and start-up budget,. • Skills and experience in the development of manpower and vendor support mobilization/demobilization plan and schedules, and the development of lists of required commissioning and start-up spares, consumables, first-fills, special tools, temporary equipment, etc. Qualifications: • Bachelor degree in a related field is preferable and is a plus • Certificates in planning and budgeting from recognized institutions are preferable • Advance skill in project planning with Primavera and MS Project is a must • Advance skill in the computer application software required in the project (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) is a must • Advance skills in project estimating and budgeting is a must Placement : Cepu Site 3. E&I Construction Tech Foreman – Field Facilities (CP-A223) RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES: • monitor construction and fabrication of E&I activities conducted at Contractors / Sub-Contractors facilities and in the field • Participate in receiving inspection of E&I items at site and monitor the preservation program for the same until hand over • Promote safety awareness and safe performance among project team members, including consultants and contractor personnel • Support Construction Site Manager in monitoring and appraising the contractor's performance for safety, quality, cost, and schedule; ensure that appropriate corrective actions are taken when needed • Verify physical progress • Monitor mechanical acceptance and start-up activities between operating unit and contractor • Assist PMT in meeting OIMS expectations as required, especially OIMS Element 2 (Risk Assessment), OIMS Element 3 (Facility Design & Construction), OIMS Element 9 (Incident Investigation) and OIMS Element 10 (Community Awareness) • Review or assist in reviewing E&I QC documents such as QA plans and pre-commissioning procedures • Jointly develop E&I inspection check lists or review the check lists generated by the Contractor for compliance to project requirements • Ensure quality processes are followed for instrument calibration at contractor facilities and / or in the field for permanent project materials and temporary test instruments / equipments used in E&I construction works • Co-ordinate with Contractor and Quality on cable tray routing and installation inspection • Monitor construction of electrical and instrumentation facilities and ensure they are completed as per approved engineering documentation and project specifications. • Witness installation of E&I control panels (both local and inside the control rooms) • Monitor and witness continuity and meggering inspection works for cables • Monitor cable laying works in trenches, through ducts and on cable trays • Monitor loop checks and review records for the same in accordance with technical requirements • Monitor construction and installation and testing of instrument tubing works • Review Contractor's field inspection and test reports and ensure that inspections are carried out as per approved ITP requirements • Assist and co-ordinate with other disciplines on electrical motors installation and alignments • Interface, participate or co-ordinate in E&I pre-commissioning activities as required • Preparation of punch lists • Verify Contractor / Subcontractor Quality management systems, plans, procedures, and processes are in place. Implement project Construction Surveillance Program. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum ten (10) year's experience in inspection of E&I works on major onshore construction projects out of which at least 3 years experience senior E&I construction position • Experienced in witnessing SAT (Site Acceptance Tests) and FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests) of Electrical & Instrument control systems • Exposure to DCS instrumentation works and commissioning of the same • Thorough knowledge on International standards on E&I like IEC etc. • Knowledge on applicable Indonesian MIGAS regulations for E&I works is preferred • Well versed in safe work practices • Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base Placement : Cepu Site 4. Civil Geotechnical Inspector – Infrastructure Facilities (CP-A224) RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES: • Site supervision of ground investigation fieldworks contracts ensuring compliance with specification and common practice. • Inspect geotechnical instrumentation design and installation. • Site supervision of pile installation works including pile loading and integrity testing. • Evaluating recommended countermeasures for low strength soils in contact with structural foundations. • Verify proper dam foundation slope stabilization and structures, including soil blending of native and borrow materials. • Site supervision of installation of of river water intake. • Supervision of earthworks placement and verification testing. • Verification dam contraction procedures are followed REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Working Knowledge of: o Soil Mechanics field tesing methods, including determining Vane Shear Strengths in cohesive soils using ASTM D 2573 method and Cone Penetration Test per ASTM D3441. o Testing of swelling and dispersive soils (E.g. Emerson class number, double hydrometer or Pinhold). o Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction in Indonesia. o Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams (E.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM 110-2-1901) • Degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Geological Engineering. 15 years of relevant experience. • Proven design investigation and analysis of geotechnical civil engineering. • Well versed in safe work practices. • Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages • Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base • Thorough understanding of applicable project specifications • Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.) • Good oral and written English language skills Placement : Cepu Site 5. Environment, Regulatory & Socioeconomic Interface (CP-A225) RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTIES: • Coordinate ongoing effort to obtain various permits for EPC's scope of work in a timely fashion in order to remain in compliance with National, Province, and Local regulations. • Interface with the functional groups as necessary to access timely support for project activities, identify/implement best practices and lessons learned • Work with PMT and Functional groups to support development of documents such as oil spill response plan and waste management plan. • Interface with project engineering and construction to ensure environmental and regulatory compliance. • Coordinate development and submittal of EMCAPS regulatory compliance and environmental management plans for project facilities • Work with consultants, as necessary, to prepare and submit requisite environmental, regulatory and socioeconomic impact assessments. • Interface and coordinate activities with functional groups, as appropriate, to develop and implement appropriate plans for interfacing with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's) and Government agencies. • Review and advise PMT about EPC contractor's environmental, regulatory and socioeconomic documents and deliverables, as prescribed in project Coordination Procedure. • Prepare project internal environmental, regulatory and socioeconomic stewardship reports, as well as external reports required to satisfy Government or external financial institution conditions/requests. • Assist project team, as appropriate, on special tasks and studies related to overall Environmental and Regulatory permitting requirements, and community affairs at shore tie-in and offshore work sites. • Develop amicable relationships to facilitate open communication and transparency in processes and procedures with various Government offices (BPMIGAS, Sea Com, etc) that are responsible for issuing recommendations and approvals for regulatory and environmental permits. • Work closely with ITS to exploit full benefits of the work scope for which ITS has been contracted. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Broad project management, technical and SH&E skills with good understanding of working in a project setting and an ability to interact amicably with various external stakeholders • 5+ years broad-based experience preferred, with prior experience in one or more related disciplines (i.e. Environmental, Regulatory and Socioeconomic) • Experience interfacing with NGO and other similar organisation • Knowledge of EMCAPS process, and in particular SH&E deliverable requirements • Knowledge of EMDC strategies and key business drivers • Good interpersonal and communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to speak Jawanese is an additionally desirable attribute. • Adaptable to changing priorities as focus of activity is expected to vary between the three disciplines. • Willingness to undertake business travel and/or field based short term assignments • Ability to interact proactively in the Project's interest, with EPC contractor, local Government offices and local community in East Jawa province. • Placement : Jakarta Base 6. Crane Inspector (CP-A226) REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum S1 Engineering with around 3 years experience • Experience with Crane Inspection in Oil & Gas • MIGAS Crane certification • Fluent in English, written & spoken • Wiliing to be place anywhere around Indonesia • Permanent status is possible 7. Rotating Inspector (CP-A227) REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum S1 Engineering with around 3 years experience • Experience with Rotating Inspection in Oil & Gas • MIGAS Rotating certification • Fluent in English, written & spoken • Wiliing to be place anywhere around Indonesia • Permanent status is possible 8. Pressure Vessel Inspector (CP-A228) REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum S1 Engineering with around 3 years experience • Experience with Pressure Vessel Inspection in Oil & Gas • Familiar with Design Drawing • MIGAS Pressure Vessel certification • Fluent in English, written & spoken • Wiliing to be place anywhere around Indonesia • Permanent status is possible 9. Electrical Inspector (CP-A229) REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum S1 Engineering with around 3 years experince • Experience with Onshore Construction Electrical Inspection in Oil & Gas • Familiar with Design Drawing • MIGAS Electrical certification • Fluent in English, written & spoken • Wiliing to be place anywhere around Indonesia • Permanent status is possible 10. Pipeline Inspector (CP-A230) REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, QUALIFICATIONS, SKILLS, AND EXPERIENCES: • Minimum S1 Engineering with around 3 years experince • Experience with Onshore Pipeline Inspection in Oil & Gas • Familiar with Design Drawing • MIGAS pipeline certification • Fluent in English, written & spoken • Wiliing to be place anywhere around Indonesia • Permanent status is possible Please send your application with detailed resume and recent photograph and put job title name and code on subject email to: PT Supraco Indonesia Email : recruitment@supraco.com Expired : 31 Juli 2013 |
Lowongan Kerja Tripatra Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:33 AM PDT Tripatra menawarkan beberapa posisi sebagai berikut dengan disiplin dan kualifikasi: PROJECT ENGINEER Qualification: • Minimum University degree majoring in Electrical/ Instrument Engineering with min 10 years experience total with at least 6 years experience in design and engineering for oil & gas projects (upstream and downstream) • Have at least six (6) years of facilities/project engineering experience in electrical/instrument , including at least three (3) years of offshore /onshore oil and gas facility FEED and detailed design, and/or construction experience, of which the he/she shall have been in responsible charge of the design • Could be join with Tripatra ASAP CIVIL ENGINEER Qualification: • Minimum University degree majoring in Civil Engineering with min 6 years experience total with at least 3 years experience in design and engineering for oil & gas projects (upstream and downstream) • Have at least six (6) years of facilities/project engineering experience in Civil, including at least three (3) years of offshore /onshore oil and gas facility FEED and detailed design, and/or construction experience, of which the he/she shall have been in responsible charge of the design. • Could be join with Tripatra ASAP Please send your complete application letter, certificates, CV, recent photograph, and put job title name as the email subject (not more than 1 MB) to: Tripatra Email : agatha.savefina@tripatra.com CC ke budi.sinaga@tripatra.com Expired : 31 Juli 2013 |
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:32 AM PDT PT Bank Negara Indonesia saat ini sedang mencari kandidat yang tertarik akan dunia perbankan melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013untuk menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar BNI sebagai: IT Officer (ODP) Requirements: • Lulusan minimal S1 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Statistik/Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Elektronika/Teknik Fisika/Matematika dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terkemuka capable di bidang IT. • Syarat IPK yaitu : PTN minimal 2,75; PTS minimal 3,00 • Tambah Pengalaman kerja dibidang terkait minimal 1 tahun. • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik • Usia maksimal 28 tahun • Sehat jasmani dan rohani • Mengetahui dan memahami secara garis besar salah satu pengelolaan management operational IT, misalnya IT Project Management, IT Arsitektur Perbankan, IT Procurement, system dan prosedur IT, Operational support IT. IT Programmer (ODP) Requirements: • Lulusan minimal S1 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Statistik/Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Elektronika/Teknik Fisika/Matematika dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terkemuka capable di bidang IT. • Syarat IPK yaitu : PTN minimal 2,75; PTS minimal 3,00 • Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa pemrograman : Cobol, C++, Java, MS Dot Net, PHP, Web, MS SQL Server, Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux), TACL, PHP, SAS, PL SQL. • Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja programming minimal 1 tahun. • Lebih diutamakan menguasai : Development Tools, Management Data Base, Oracle/SQL, Project Management Tools dan mengerti konsep Unix. • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif • Usia maksimal 28 tahun • Sehat jasmani dan rohani IT Engineer (ODP) Requirement • Lulusan minimal S1 dari Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektro/Statistik/Teknik Industri/Ilmu Komputer/Elektronika/Teknik Fisika/Matematika dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang terkemuka dan capable di bidang IT. • Syarat IPK yaitu : PTN minimal 2,75; PTS minimal 3,00 • Nilai tambah Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja dibidang sistem operasi, database, network, desktop minimal 1 tahun. • Menguasai : OS Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux)/OS Windows Server/Data Base Oracle dan konsep TCP/IP. • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif • Nilai Tambah bagi yang mempunyai sertifikasi : CCNA/MCITP/ Oracle database admin. / SQL server. • Usia maksimal 28 tahun • Sehat jasmani dan rohani Setiap pelamar harus melengkapi data : Lampiran surat lamaran, CV dan dokumen-dokumen lain yang diperlukan (sertifikat, ijazah yang dilegalisir dll) |
Lowongan kerja G4S Security Services (Security Coordinator - Timika) Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:30 AM PDT Security Coordinator Timika (Papua) Requirements:
If you consider yourself as a strong and convincing personality with total dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, we encourage you to apply for the above position. Please put the positions' code in the subject of your email and kindly send your comprehensive application letter and/or resume to: |
Lowongan kerja PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika (Petugas Loket Stasiun KAI) Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:27 AM PDT PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika adalah Badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang penyelenggaraan jasa pelayanan yang mengelola HR Supply, HR Shared Service dan HR Consultancy maupun jasa pelayanan konsultasi manajemen. Perusahaan kami terus melakukan inovasi dalam berbisnis dan bekerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia. PT Infomedia Solusi Humanika, Membutuhkan pekerja setiap bulannya sekitar ± 500 orang untuk bekerja. Petugas Loket Stasiun KAI Jakarta Raya - Jabotabek Sekapur Responsibilities:
Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV, dan foto. Ke alamat email (lowongan.infomedia@gmail.com) Atau melalui walk in interview yang akan dilaksanakan pada : Senin - Jumat 09.00 – 12.00 PT Infomedia Nusantara,Jl.Buah Batu No.91 Bandung Bertemu dengan Bp.Dadan/Fian/Ibu Esti atau Jl.Malabar No.37 Bandung bertemu dengan Ibu Fuji/Elsa dengan membawa CV dan Surat Lamaran Lengkap berserta Surat Kesehatan(bebas narkoba+bebas buta warna), Surat Keterangan Belum Pernah Menikah, SKCK. |
Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:21 AM PDT We are a leading distribution company in food and beverage industry and we would like to invite high skilled, dedicated, motivated and dynamic professional to be part of our team to be placed in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang & Yogyakarta as: Sales Promotion Staff Jakarta Raya - Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang and Yogyakarta Requirements:
Compensation: Salary, facilities, and other benefits Qualified applicants can send their resume/CV and recent photograph immediately to: |
Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:19 AM PDT Sales Engineer Jakarta Raya - Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur Responsibilities:
For more info, please visit our website |
Lowongan kerja PT. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Life (Financial Consultant - Malang) Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:15 AM PDT Financial Consultant (FC) - Malang Malang (Jawa Timur) Requirements:
Interesting Benefit :
Kirim Lamaran dan CV Lengkap serta Foto Terbaru ke email: |
Lowongan kerja PT. Lippo Malls Indonesia (Leasing Officer - Palembang) Juli 2013 Posted: 17 Jul 2013 04:12 AM PDT In response to growing market demand, Lippo Karawaci started developing strata-titled malls from 2002 to 2006, recognizing that entrepreneurs in Indonesia were moving away from traditional retail outlets. Then, observing the over supply of strata-titled malls that had previously been in demand, the Company made the move to community malls and shifted to a model which now involves building, leasing, and then monetizing the retail assets. PT. Lippo Malls Indonesia 's retail comprises strata-titled malls and leased malls strategically located in major cities of Indonesia. The retail malls provide one-stop shopping, entertainment, dining and leisure destinations, with anchor tenants such as leading domestic retailers Matahari Department Store, Hypermart, Timezone, Times Bookstore and Cinema XXI. PT. Lippo Malls Indonesia continues to strengthen its position as the largest mall owner and/or operator in Indonesia by building and managing more retail malls across the country. Palembang Icon – Palembang Palembang Icon, a new shopping mall which is located in Palembang, requires candidates for such position: Leasing Officer Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) Responsibilities: Looking for prospective tenants to occupy empty units /tenancies, the coordination between the tenant with relevant departments starting from the bidding, negotiation period of the lease until the opening of stores /tenants and preparing related documents, updating existing data base. Having a good relationship and be able to communicate well with tenants Requirements:
Qualified candidates are invited to write with detailed resume, stating position code, your achievements, current and expected salary and a recent passport sized photograph not later than 2 (two) week after this advertisement to: |
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